The Teachings


The LAW of Consequences

“When you act you are responsible to live with the consequences of your actions for the rest of your life”


Definition of Act:

Anything having one of the following characteristics:

Acts of Commission

  1. Speech or writing upholding or violating The Teachings.
  2. Actions performed using the body, its appendages, or other aids in accordance with or against The Teachings.

Acts of Omission

  1. Actions not performed when required to be so carried out.


Qn.  When does an act initialize the operation of The LAW of Consequences?

Ans. The LAW of Consequences is activated or initialized immediately at the moment ‘NOW’,

Having exercised my right in terms of collecting data, thinking, planning, made a decision, carried out preparations and training; I initiate action at the moment ‘NOW’


GOD says that at that same moment ‘NOW’, you have become liable under The LAW.

Thus, it is clear that as soon as I initiate an act, my liability is activated under The LAW of Consequences and I become responsible to live with the consequences of that act for the rest of my life from that moment onward.


Qn.  What are the different consequences that I may have to face whenever I act?


Consequences of Acts of Commission

Whenever an act is committed, the possible consequences could be-:

  1.    Positive, Beneficial, Good, Desirable, Required, Correct

Comment: Whenever I collect sufficient data, I think and plan in detail; I make logical, scientific, rational and reasoned decisions; followed by proper preparation and training, the act will give me positive and beneficial consequences for the rest of my life.

2.   Partly beneficial, Neutral, Indifferent, Non-beneficial

Comment 1: When I do not collect sufficient data.

Comment 2: Or I do not carry out thinking and planning in detail.

Comment 3: Or when I do not exercise proper logic, science, rationality and reason in the process of my decision-making.

Comment 4: Or when I do not make complete preparations or carry out necessary training required.

Comment 5: I initiate the action, the result may be:

  1. Indifferent
  2. May not be any result, or
  3. May get some result which might not be quantifiable


  1. I may get some partial benefit
  2. Alternatively, I may not get any benefit.


Consequences of Acts of Omission

  1. Adverse, Negative, Harmful, Failure, Bad, Incorrect

 Comment: Where it is my duty to do something and I do not carry out my duty (also known as Act of Omission), there is only one consequence and it will always be adverse and harmful which I will have to live with for the rest of my life.

This LAW applies to the Atma throughout the existence of the Atma.

It also applies to the body+mind given to the Atma for the duration of Janam. The given body+mind becomes alive from the moment the Atma enters that body.

Comment: The last part is what all forget, that the consequences continue for the rest of the life still to come from that moment onward.


The LAW of Consequences General Principles

The LAW of Consequences clearly places the responsibility for my actions upon me, thus I have to live with the consequences for the rest of my life from that moment onward.

I must understand that Speech which upholds or violates The Teachings is an Act which will always carry consequences under The LAW.

Similarly, Writing which upholds or violates The Teachings also brings the individual within the ambit of The LAW.

Physical acts carried out by the body also carry consequences which places the person squarely within the purview of The LAW.

Consequences may be good, may be bad, or neutral. In every case, they are to be borne by the individual whose actions lead to those consequences.

An individual exercises his or her Right by way of The THREE Freedoms of Choice, Decision and Action.

The individual can think, plan and decide within the privacy of his or her brain without anyone being wiser.

None of these activities amount to an Act and hence bring forth no consequences if taken no further.

However, once the individual initiates action on his or her Decision, it becomes an Act in the public domain with Consequences that are governed by The LAW of Consequences.

Hearing and Seeing are not acts by themselves.


The LAW of Consequences – as applicable to ‘someone’

When ‘someone’ acts (speech, writing, physical acts using body, physical acts using any five appendages or aids), then that ‘someone’ is responsible to live with the consequences of his or her actions for the rest of his or her life.

The LAW of Consequences – as applicable to ‘me’

When I act, I am responsible to live with the consequences of my actions for the rest of my life.


The LAW of Consequences has been discussed to understand its different aspects in the form of A Partial Teaching on My Life – Daily Instructions.


Some of the Partial Teachings are listed here from the Index:

  1. A Partial Teaching on The LAW of NO Miracles
  2. A Partial Teaching on The LAW of The TENTH Part
  3. A Partial Teaching on The LAW of Happiness
  4. A Partial Teaching on The LAW of Endeavour
  5. A Partial Teaching on Ego
  6. A Partial Teaching on GOD
  7. A Partial Teaching on Atma / Soul
  8. A Partial Teaching on Salvation
  9. A Partial Teaching on Time
  10. A Partial Teaching on Purpose of Life.