The Teachings


The LAW of Happiness




The LAW of Happiness is stated as a simple linear equation so that an ordinary person may also understand it and apply it in his or her daily life.

The equation H = (R-E)

Where H represents your state of Happiness


R represents your current Reality

E represents your Expectations

The LAW of Happiness has been discussed to understand its different aspects in the form of several Partial Teachings as listed below:

  1. A Partial Teaching onĀ A Working Definition of Happiness
  2. A Partial Teaching on The Continuum of Life
  3. A Partial Teaching on the question Can I Know ‘Someone’?
  4. A Partial Teaching on the question Can I make ‘Someone’ Happy?
  5. A Partial Teaching on the question Can I make ‘Someone’ Unhappy?
  6. A Partial Teaching on the question Can I make ‘Anyone’ Unhappy?
  7. A Partial Teaching on the question Can I make ‘Anyone’ Happy?
  8. A Partial Teaching on an Example of Radiating Happiness