The Definitions
The Teachings
The Definitions
The Definitions must be read, understood and used by everyone who wishes to read and or interact usefully with The Teachings.
The Definitions are to be used while interacting with The Teachings to derive maximum value and benefit.
The Definitions have been laid out in an alphabetic sequence.
To utilize the resources and facilities given by GOD in The GIFT in such a way as to prevent the same resource or facility being used at a future time by another living being or by society in general.
Abuse is to deny the use of resources or facilities that were created by GOD for all the Atmas passing through Janam to work for their Salvation at a future time.
An Atma in one of its last three Joonis who records all acts of an Atma in Janam.
Recording is done in the form of pluses and minuses.
Separate rules govern the placement and mode of carrying out of duties by the Accountant.
Accounting of Effort
Every act of commission and every act of omission gives rise to some kind of consequence or result.
Every result has to be accounted in the ledger maintained by The Chief Judge through His staff.
The three heads under which all consequences or results are accounted are Earn, Acquire, Receive.
Thus, each head of account has some special characteristics or properties.
Anything having one of the following characteristics:
Acts of Commission
- Speech or writing upholding or violating The Teachings.
- Actions performed using the body, its appendages, or other aids in accordance with or against The Teachings.
Acts of Omission
- Actions not performed when required to be so carried out.
Act of Creation [See the Teaching on Act of Creation]
HE created a large number of small identical elements and said these are my children.
GOD told HIS children to go and play.
In reply the Atmas surrounding HIM asked where should they play and with what should they play.
In response, GOD released the First Energy in the form of an outward moving spiral, which started creating
space as it expanded outwards away from HIM.
HE then released Second Energy in the form of another spiral moving outwards.
A short while later, the two energies started interacting at different points with different impact parameters.
Wherever and whenever the two energies interacted, some energies was consumed and matter was created
from the lightest element to the heaviest element.
In course of time, these elements moving at tangents to the point of impact began to cool down and started becoming visible as gas clouds, stars, planets and so on.
GOD turned to HIS children and said, “There you are, now go and play.”
Action [See The Teaching on The Right]
Freedom of Action is the third element of The Right given by GOD to every individual.
An action is the execution of a Decision after consideration of the elements of Choice.
An Action when initiated is always in the Public Domain and cannot be hidden.
Action is a technical word denoting the process of execution of the Decision.
Action leads to Liability under The LAW of Consequences.
Action begins as soon as the first step is initiated.
Accounting Period
From the day of birth to the day prior to the next birth date is One Accounting Period.
Acquire [See the Teaching on Earn, Acquire and Receive]
To gain by means other than through earning.
Anything obtained not in accordance with the conditions laid down for earning. Whatever is acquired by dishonest means or methods.
There may or may not be any personal effort involved in any of such acquisition.
To acquire is to collect, to achieve or to accumulate things material and immaterial by means other than those laid down for earning.
Therefore, anything that I earn which does not qualify under the above given definition of earn will be held/accounted under acquire.
Comment 1: The act does not necessarily include only personal effort. May include effort of one or more other persons (includes partners, employees and other assistance).
Comment 2. The act does not need to be honest (could therefore be gained through blackmail, theft, fraud, coercion et cetera).
Messenger of GOD.
Also known or referred to as a Messenger or Doot.
Anyone is the domain that includes the domain ‘someone’ + I.
Articles [See the Teaching on Articles of The COVENANT]
All the instructions given to the Atma by GOD in The Last Few Words are Numbered and known as Articles of The COVENANT.
The Articles are mandatory for obedience by every Soul in Janam.
Similarly, every body+mind given to a specific Atma for Janam must understand that it is a duty for the body+mind to learn and obey all The Articles as laid down.
- “When you leave my presence, your time begins”
- “When you leave my presence, I will put a cap at the end of the communication channel between us”
- “When you need me, you remember me by my Name – OMNMNKAAAR”
- “When you complete your Life Task, I will confirm your reward”
- “Should you forget, seek and you will find someone who will show you The Way”
- “For your convenient passage in Janam, I have laid down The LAWS, Rules and The Principles of Life”
- “When you obey MY LAWS, Rules and The Principles of Life, you will benefit”
- “When you need explanations, interpretations or applications of MY LAWS, Rules and The Principles of Life, seek and ask The Teacher and follow The Teachings given by Him”
- “The Teacher is responsible for everything in the physical universe”
- “The Teacher is my first born and shall be my representative for this epoch.”
- “The one who shall love and obey my son, The Teacher, shall receive my love”
- “The one who shall do everything as a duty towards me shall also be dear to me”
- “I have opened an account for you in which I have placed one billion (1,000,000,000) blessings for you to distribute during your passage through life”
- “When you complete your passage through life, you will be brought before my Chief Judge who shall take the accounting of your deeds and doings and pass such order as may be deemed fit in the facts and circumstances of your Janam”
An Ashirwad is a benefit given by PARAMATMA.
Every Ashirwad is from GOD directly.
No one in the physical universe can create, bestow or give an Ashirwad.
An Ashirwad has to be exchanged with someone to be earned.
Also known as Blessing or Aasees.
Atma [See the Teaching on Atma]
One element of GOD in independent existence.
Atma is a small element created out of HIS body by PARAMATMA.
Atma cannot be destroyed.
Atma is born with a need to merge back with PARAMATMA.
Soul does not possess shape, form or substance.
Atma does not have any sensory perception, such as sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, or feeling.
Soul has Awareness.
Atma has the ability to take control of the physical body+mind specifically given for that Janam.
Atma is also known as Soul or Rooh.
Awareness is a quality and capability, which is present in every Atma.
Some individuals also exhibit it.
Awareness can be learnt and improved by practice.
Awareness is the act of knowing the existence of, the presence of and movement of something real in the physical world.
The giving of a name to the newly born child by a couple in the physical world. Usually accompanied by a ceremony of some kind according to local customs and usages.
Also known as Naamkaran.
Basic Cohort
A Basic Cohort is formed by a group of 10 people above the age of 10 not bound by ties of relationship.
Any member of a Basic Cohort may demand a discussion on any subject that his or her representative is required to approve or disapprove.
Every Basic Cohort has the sole right to recall its representative at any time without assigning any reason.
Once recalled, the representative shall vacate every higher governance position immediately.
A cohort shall sustain for life and new member may only be added on the passing of an existing member.
No familial relationships.
An individual can be a member of only one Basic Cohort for the rest of his or her life.
An individual needs to declare himself or herself as a member of his or her Basic Cohort.
Each Basic Cohort needs to get itself registered with a Central Authority.
A member of a Basic Cohort can never be expelled, removed or boycotted for any reason what-so-ever by the other members of that or any higher cohort or by any supposed social or legal process.
When needed a Basic Cohort may exercise all the rights, duties and powers of any of its members for the benefit of that member, in case such a member is unable to exercise his or her rights due to physical incapacity and no other. Physical incapacity does not include any mental or other such non-physical inability.
The total physical body+mind given to an Atma for Janam.
Blind obedience to, of or about something.
Something positive given to an individual.
May be given as an incentive or as a reward.
Blame [See the Teaching on Blame]
Blame is an attempt to pass on the responsibility of his or her actions by one person to another person.
This is part of the attempt to avoid facing the consequences of his or her actions.
When I try to blame another person, I make pistol of my right hand and point to that other person hoping that I may not have to face the consequences of my actions.
Blessing [See the Teaching on The Rule of THREE Blessings]
A Blessing is a benefit given by PARAMATMA.
Every Blessing is from GOD directly.
No one in the physical universe can create, bestow or give a Blessing.
A Blessing has to be exchanged with someone to be earned.
Also known as Ashirwad or Asees.
To allow the Atma to carry out the Life Task in a given Janam, one physical body with its contained brain is given to each Soul in Janam.
The correct order of recognition is Atma first, followed by the body, then the brain or intelligence at the end.
Candidate Shishya or Disciple
A person (body+mind specifically given to an Atma) who voluntarily makes an application to The Teacher to be accepted as a Shishya for learning The Teachings and how to live in The Way of Life.
Choice [See the Teaching on The Right]
Choice is a technical word denoting the process of data collection, thinking and planning as part of the Freedom of Choice as the first element of The Right given by GOD to every individual.
The distilled essence of the sequentially experienced truth of thousands of people over hundreds of years expressed in a few short words.
A group of five or more people gathered in one place with the aim and purpose of remembering GOD through HIS name OMNMNKAAAR.
Also known as a Sangat.
Wherever there is a need for some small immediate clarification, it is indicated by a Comment.
Comments may be numbered.
Only The Teacher can give comments.
A system for recording data in discrete units. Also known as a meter.
COVENANT [See the Teaching on Articles of The COVENANT]
An agreement and a commitment given by GOD to the Atma in the form of Articles in The Last Few Words.
A crime is one act of violation of The Teachings.
A crime may be committed against an Atma in Janam in the given body+mind.
A crime is also an act of violation of The GIFT.
The severity of the crime will be determined by the harm it causes to an individual Atma, a body+mind, a group of beings, or the environment which includes all Atmas in different Joonis.
A crime is a Sin.
A hard thick impenetrable opaque shell covering the Atma.
The crust is built up slowly, one layer at a time.
The individual creates each layer at the moment when he or she commits a sin.
Crust formation is said to be complete when the individual layers become opaque.
Subsequent layers will get deposited around the crust, making it thicker and harder.
Once the crust is formed, it isolates the Atma from any contact with the given body+mind.
A pre-existing and pre-defined ceremonial method of doing something that may date back to ancient times and lost to the memory of the social sub-unit carrying out that particular custom; an example is the ceremony associated with Naamkaran or Baptism.
Usually, it was started to perform some rituals to keep the early hunters-gatherers in compliance with The Teachings.
Customs now have degenerated to blindly following the dictates of an individual in some position of supposed authority within the family or the social unit.
A custom that does not pass The FOUR Way Test need not be observed.
Child with a Request.
An Atma with a Grant (matured valid Request) which brings the body+mind of that Atma in contact with The Teacher in the physical universe when The Teacher is Incarnate in His physical body+mind.
Comment 1: The physical body+mind thus becomes the Candidate Shishya (Spiritual child) of The Teacher in Incarnation.
Comment 2: The Teacher is the destination (of that Shishya) when The Teacher is Incarnate through His physical body+mind.
An act of surrender.
An act of worship.
Separate rules and procedures govern the practice of dandawat.
Decision [See the Teaching on The Right]
Freedom of Decision is the second element of The Right given by GOD to every individual.
A decision is a determination to do something after consideration of the elements of Choice.
A decision is made inside the brain of the individual and is entirely private.
An act that keeps the individual in compliance with The Teachings.
An act carried out, done or performed by an individual by way of speech or writing or other actions.
These are also known as Acts of Commission.
Also known as Lekha or Karam (Karma).
Something which is of a transient nature and which may be satisfied by any kind of that ‘something’.
Also known as Want.
Meditation through recitation of HIS Name – OMNMNKAAAR.
Separate rules and procedures govern the practice of Dhyaan.
Dishonour [See the Teaching on Dishonour of Grant given to an Atma]
An Atma may be granted a Request during the audience with GOD.
Dishonour takes place when a Granted Request is disregarded, ignored, or denied by the body+mind.
Once the attention of that body+mind has been drawn to the given grant, the Dishonour is greater.
When body+mind does not remember, Dishonour is discovered at the stage of The Three Moments of The EXIT.
Code of conduct for a religion.
Claimed to be words of The Teacher.
Rigid and demanding total obedience without any question or seeking clarification or explanation.
Demands filial continuation on that set of declarations.
Usually needs miracles and belief to awe and force to keep adherents.
Anything that does not pass The FOUR Way Test and need not be observed.
An act amounting to a sin.
An act or actions not done.
An act or actions that the individual should have carried out, done or performed in order to remain in compliance with The Teachings.
A duty or responsibility laid upon the individual by The Teachings but not carried out as required.
These are known as Acts of Omission.
Some doings may be Acts of Commission.
Also known as Jokha.
Door [See the Teaching on Salvation]
The entry through which the Atma is to travel on the Path to Salvation.
Also known as the Gate or Dwaar.
One Drop is one unit of Spiritual Energy.
An individual generates one unit of Spiritual Energy for himself or herself through one recitation of HIS Name OMNMNKAAAR.
The size of each single Drop will be dependent upon the Effort, Intensity and Devotion with which that individual has spoken or recited OMNMNKAAAR.
Something that is extremely small and not visible to the human eye.
Equivalent to a nano particle or an extremely small unit of energy.
Also known as Kann.
Something that every individual in Janam has to accept.
Something that every individual in Janam has to perform.
Duty means actions to be carried out to remain in compliance with The Teachings.
A duty is an obligation that cannot be avoided.
A duty is an obligation that cannot be ignored.
Denying duty always leads to adverse consequences for that individual.
Avoiding duty always leads to adverse consequences for that individual.
Disregarding duty always leads to adverse consequences for that individual.
Earn [See the Teaching on Earn, Acquire and Receive]
To gain through own personal honest work.
That which a person gains, makes, creates or receives as consideration, remuneration, or payment in cash, kind, or credit for his or her effort, work, or labour.
Anything that produces profit or remuneration by honest effort and industry in any and every field of endeavour.
For accounting under the head of earning, the act must satisfy two conditions:-
- I alone must carry out the act.
- The act must be honest.
Effort [See the Teaching on Correct Way to Pronounce OMNMNKAAAR]
The amount and volume of energy put into repetition or chanting or singing of the phonetic sounds of the Name – OMNMNKAAAR which produces Spiritual Energy within the individual.
This includes the number of times HIS name is repeated.
Also known as Mehnat.
Evolved Person [ See the Teaching on People associated with the Incarnation]
An evolved person is a person who has carried out the Life Task of his or her Atma during the current passage through Life.
An evolved person is a good person who would become an example in the society where he or she is resident.
An evolved person is respected and admired.
Expectation [See the Teaching on The LAW of Happiness ]
An expectation is a belief that something, which has not passed The FOUR Way Test, is likely to happen in the near future.
An expectation is a black box, the internal functioning of which is neither controlled by nor known to the person holding that expectation.
An expectation is a blind belief that some external agency will bring the desired result to fruition.
An expectation modifies itself in the direction of failure if it appears to the operator that it might be fulfilled.
An expectation is a negative requirement, which an operator does not wish to convert to positive success.
An expectation is proportionately linked to self-fulfilling prophecy.
An expectation creates negative biases and prejudices in the mind of the operator and his or her followers with long term unintended consequences.
An expectation leads to frustration due to non-fulfillment.
Expectations always lead to failure being a part of The TRY Business.
Family [See the Teaching on The TEN Right Holders]
Family is a loose confederation of independent individuals and each individual has responsibilities to five other independent individuals, as part of such a family unit ( Mother, Father, Child, Child, Spouse) known as The Right Holders.
First Energy [See the Teaching on Act of Creation]
This is the First form of Energy released by GOD.
The First Energy creates space for itself as it spreads outwards.
The First Energy spreads in every direction when released.
The space created by First Energy can be occupied by the different elements of Matter when created.
The space created by First Energy is also available to accommodate the subsequent forms that Matter will take out of the clouds of matter as it cools into dust clouds, stars, planets, galaxies et cetera.
Fun [See the Teaching on The Universal Truths]
The ability to enjoy every moment of existence in Janam.
The ability to celebrate every moment of this opportunity given to the Atma to use the body+mind to work for Salvation of the Soul.
Gate [See the Teaching on Salvation]
Also known as Door or Dwaar.
Give [See the Teaching on Parsing The LAW of the TENTH Part]
To give is a positive and dynamic action.
To give is to perform my duty.
To give is to comply with The Teachings.
To give without any expectation of return.
GOD [See the Teaching on GOD]
GOD says my name is OMNMNKAAAR.
The Supreme Power who created and sustains the Physical Universe.
GOD is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient.
Also known and addressed as PARAMATMA, VIDHATA or OMNMNKAAAR .
Governance is performance of duty towards society by an individual.
Governance requires that the individual in a position of public responsibility does not think of himself or herself first.
Governance requires that the individual in a position of public responsibility does not think of his or her family or friends first.
The individual must only think in terms of the greater good of all members of society.
Governance begins at the level of the Basic Cohort.
Each cohort will nominate one representative for a period of three years.
A ‘Set’ of Ten representatives will nominate/elect one representative to represent that ‘Set’.
This process shall be repeated upwards until the highest level.
Each ‘Set’ of representatives shall provide the governance of the units below using their individual knowledge and abilities.
Additional advisors if appointed for their special knowledge or skills may only serve for one year.
No advisor shall be allowed to hold any office of discretion nor may be brought back into any advisory position before the lapse of eleven years from the previous appointment.
Grant [See the Teaching on Dishonour of Grant given to an Atma]
Every Atma who gets an opportunity to appear before GOD can make a Request during that interaction.
GOD will grant that much of the Request that is valid.
Each given Grant will be matured for that Atma at the appropriate time during Janam.
A Grant must be obeyed and carried out in full.
A Grant if ignored leads to dishonour.
A Grant if denied leads to dishonour.
A Grant if disregarded leads to dishonour.
Greater Good [See the Teaching on Understanding The TEN Shares]
Greater Good implies an understanding of and application towards the needs of society in terms of infrastructural requirements to keep that society viable, functional and secure.
Individual members of society contribute the Fifth Share to meet all relevant needs of that society.
Social needs are met through a system of basic social Laws and Rules that allows for ease of understanding and adherence.
All framed social Laws and Rules must uphold The Teachings while they cater to the different environmental conditions where that society is located.
A consequence of an Act by an individual or group or society acting separately and/or collectively.
To harm is to violate The Teachings.
Every instance of harm starts one counter or meter running negatively in the account of the Atma whose body+mind inflicts harm.
Each instance of a harm is a separate Sin.
The Soul settles down to the passage in the womb of the mother.
The Soul gets a body within the womb.
Atma takes control over the given body.
There is no need to breathe, eat, drink, to bathe, to pass urine or bowels.
All is taken care of by the mother.
There is no noise, no heat, no rain, no cold and no clothes to restrict him or her.
No need to deal with any external elements.
Soul lives, rests and plays as he or she wants to.
The Atma and the body+mind are carefree during this passage in the womb of the Mother.
GOD gives every Atma an opportunity to live in and enjoy the given body+mind in heaven.
The womb of the Mother is heaven.
Hell [See the Teaching on Janam and Jooni]
That period of existence spent by the Atma transiting through the Joonis.
Every moment spent in regret by a Soul is Hell.
Each moment spent by the Soul in each Jooni is spent in regret.
Also known as Purgatory or Jahanuum.
Incarnation [See the Teaching on The Teacher in Incarnation]
Whenever GOD needs to have The DIVINE Teachings and The Teachings to be disseminated among HIS children in the physical universe, HE sends HIS First Born – The Teacher as an Incarnation in a physical body to do so.
The Teacher will then take birth through a human couple already present in the physical universe through the normal biological functions.
The Teacher will grow up like a normal human male.
The Incarnation then has to carry out a Task for The Teacher by connecting with GOD through recitation of OMNMNKAAAR.
The Incarnation will then be instructed by PARAMATMA to deliver The Teachings in society.
The Incarnation observes all The DIVINE LAWS, Articles, Rules and Principles of Life laid down by GOD during HIS passage through life.
The Incarnation leads a normal human life like other human beings.
Degree of earnestness and application that increases the quantum of Spiritual Energy generated within the individual while performing JAAP and Dhyaan of OMNMNKAAAR.
Internal Dialogue
The Atma conducts this Internal Dialogue within himself or herself while in the presence of GOD.
Whenever the Atma goes into an Internal Dialogue, it is indicated by use of the letters I.D.
JAAP [See the Teaching on Benefits of Reciting OMNMNKAAAR]
A special term to enable the Atma distribute the benefits associated with the Name OMNMNKAAAR in accordance with The LAW of The TENTH Part.
Ten single repetitions or Japps of the Name of GOD OMNMNKAAAR are counted as One JAAP.
Japp [See the Teaching on Correct Way to Pronounce OMNMNKAAAR]
The repetitive audible speaking, chanting or singing of the syllables corresponding to the phonetic sounds of the letters OMNMNKAAAR the Name of GOD.
Each repetition of OMNMNKAAAR creates a Kann and is known as one Japp.
The passage of an Atma through the physical universe for a given life span.
The passage of a Soul in a physical body with free intelligence and unconstrained physical capabilities.
The passage of an Atma in the shape and form of a being with free intelligence and The Right.
A body+mind is said to be alive when a Soul is resident in that given body for a specified period of Time (Janam).
A Janam is also known as one opportunity to work for the advancement of the Atma towards Salvation.
A Janam is also known as one passage of the Soul through a physical life.
Also known as Passage through Life.
Doing ‘something’ mechanically without understanding the meaning or relevance of that ‘something’ in the greater picture.
Jooni [See the Teaching on Janam and Jooni]
The passage of an Atma post accounting and judgement at the Court of The Chief Judge.
The passage of an Atma through the physical universe in an organism with restricted intelligence and constrained capabilities for the average life span of that organism.
Each moment spent by the Soul in a Jooni is spent in regret.
Kann [See the Teaching on Benefits of Reciting OMNMNKAAAR]
One Kann is one unit of Spiritual Energy.
One Kann is generated upon the recitation of the Name of GOD once.
The recitation or chanting of HIS name must be audible to the ears of the individual remembering PARAMATMA.
An individual generates one unit of Spiritual Energy for himself or herself through one recitation of HIS Name OMNMNKAAAR.
The size of each single Kann will be dependent upon the Effort with which that individual has spoken or recited OMNMNKAAAR.
The size of each single Kann will be dependent upon the Intensity with which that individual has spoken or recited OMNMNKAAAR.
The size of each single Kann will be dependent upon the Devotion with which that individual has spoken or recited OMNMNKAAAR.
A Kann of Spiritual Energy is extremely small and not visible to the human eye.
A Kann may be thought of as being equivalent to a Nano particle or a unit of energy.
Also known as Drop.
An act that keeps the individual in compliance with The Teachings.
An act carried out, done or performed by an individual by way of speech or writing or other actions.
These are also known as Acts of Commission.
Also known as Lekha or Deed or written as Karma.
Knowledge [See the Teaching on Can I Know ‘Someone’?]
To know ‘someone‘ or ‘something’ at any given time is to be fully informed about every single aspect and facet of that person, thing or phenomenon from the moment of physical birth or creation up to that time.
Knowledge is intimate, immediate and personal.
Knowledge is the basis of all Choice, Decision and Action.
Also known as To Know ‘Someone’.
Knowing The Way
One who has the technical knowledge and ability to do the work and leads by example.
One instance of the thin film covering the Atma.
A Layer is created as a result of a Sin by the body+mind given to that Atma. Each subsequent Layer of the film so created will contract as it comes in contact with the previous Layer.
Life [See the Teaching on Janam and Jooni]
A human body+mind is said to be alive as long as there is a Soul resident within.
Life is a set of Consequences of the Choices, Decisions and Actions of the body+mind given to an Atma.
Time given by GOD to the Atma to carry out the Life Task during one Janam.
Life Recorder
A Soul in one of its last three Joonis whose duty is to record, in color and sound, every single moment of the actual events as they occur during the passage of another Atma in Janam.
Separate rules govern the placement and mode of carrying out of duties by the Life Recorder.
The suspension of the Right of an Atma to work for Salvation.
Matter [See the Teaching on Act of Creation]
Matter is created when The First and Second Energies interact.
Energies are consumed in the creation of Matter.
The Matter so produced will move away at a tangent from the point of interaction of two Energies.
Matter is produced at the physical level.
Matter is distinguished as different elements in the physical world.
Each element of matter has different specified properties and characteristics.
Each element of matter behaves in a specified manner under the different Laws and Rules of Science laid down for that element by GOD.
Different elements of Matter are created depending upon the Energies consumed.
Different elements of Matter are stable as long as their Energy Levels are maintained.
Different elements of Matter may combine to form different elements.
Different elements of Matter may be disassociated to form different elements.
Different elements of Matter obey the Laws, Rules and Principles of Science laid down by GOD for each element.
The messenger of GOD.
Also known or referred to as an Angel or Doot.
See Counter.
Miracle [See the Teaching on The LAW of NO Miracles]
An illusion used to mislead people.
A phenomenon, which has no scientific explanation yet.
Moksha [See the Teaching on Salvation]
The Act of an Atma merging with GOD after fulfilling the laid-down conditions to enable such merger.
Known as the struggle to achieve freedom from the endless cycle of birth and rebirth.
An Atma becomes eligible for Moksha on completion of the PARAMOUNT TASK given to that Soul.
The PARAMOUNT TASK is complete when the Soul has successfully used the body+mind given to it over five Janams to carry out the five small Life Tasks.
It does not matter how many opportunities an Atma utilizes to carry out its five Life Tasks.
Also known as Salvation or Mukti.
A point in time and a point of time.
A moment may be of varying dimension.
A moment is a point in time with a subjective value.
Its length is flexible.
There are Three Moments of ENTRY of an Atma into Janam.
There are Three Moments of EXIT of an Atma out of Janam.
Separate Teachings give details of the different Moments.
Mukti [See the Teaching on Salvation]
The act of an Atma merging with GOD after fulfilling the laid-down conditions to enable such merger.
Known as the struggle to achieve freedom from the endless cycle of birth and rebirth.
An Atma becomes eligible for Mukti on completion of the TASK given to that Soul.
The TASK is complete when the Soul has successfully used the body+mind given to it over five Janams to carry out the five small Tasks.
It does not matter how many opportunities an Atma utilizes to carry out its five Tasks.
Also known as Salvation or Moksha.
The giving of a name to the newly born child of and by a couple in the physical world.
The Right given to that couple who have produced a small body for GOD to give to the Atma entering into Janam.
Usually accompanied by a ceremony of some kind according to local customs and usages.
Also known as Baptism.
Burning desire to fulfill an unquenched thirst within me, that can be satisfied only, for and by that ‘something’.
The Need of the Atma is to carry out the Task given and agreed to between GOD and the Atma through the body+mind given to that Atma for that specific Janam.
This Need of my Soul can be satisfied only by discovering and carrying out the Task of my Atma.
Needy Person [See the Teaching on The TEN Right Holders]
A person who needs that one element at that particular time is a needy person.
Obedience is the act of carrying out the instructions given by The Teacher or The Teachings or based on the authority of The Teachings which when carried out bring a benefit to the person carrying out the given instructions.
Towards someone.
Has to be performed.
Something (Duty) which every body+mind in Janam has to accept and perform. Actions to be carried out to remain in compliance with The Teachings.
An obligation is a Duty that cannot be avoided or ignored.
OMNMNKAAAR [See the Teaching on Duties associated with The Name of GOD]
The Name of GOD in the phonetic sounds of the letters used.
To be pronounced phonetically.
Separate procedures and instructions have been specified for correct usage.
The change that occurs when a large number of thin film layers are deposited around the Atma.
This process leads to loss of translucence and formation of the crust.
Opportunity [See the Teaching on Atma at The Court of The Chief Judge]
On the completion of the assigned number of Joonis to be traversed by an Atma post-accounting in the Court of The Chief Judge, the Atma arrives in front of GOD who gives the Atma a fresh opportunity to enter into Janam and work towards Salvation by carrying out the Task for that Janam.
PARAMATMA [See the Teaching on GOD]
The Supreme Power who created and sustains the Universe.
HE is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.
Also known and addressed as GOD or VIDHATA.
Parameters [See the Teaching on The Parameters of A Valid Request]
In order for any Request to be valid, certain parameters or conditions must be met.
Validity parameters are specified elsewhere.
Part [See the Teaching on Understanding The TEN Shares]
Each Atma in Janam has to divide every bit of earning, acquisition and receipt into ten equal parts.
There are TEN Right Holders for each individual in Janam.
Each of these TEN Right Holders must be given one equal part in sequence to remain in compliance with The Teachings.
Also known as Share or Tithe.
Passage [See the Teaching on Janam and Jooni]
The time allotted or given to an Atma in one Janam to work for Salvation.
Physical Universe
Visible and invisible portion of the matter created out of interaction between the two different forms of energies released during the Act of Creation. The physical universe was created to provide an environment where the children of GOD could enjoy themselves. The physical universe is and will continue to expand and function to enable each Soul as many opportunities as he or
she may require to achieve Salvation up to The Day of Knowledge.
Pravachan [Listen to Sermon / Pravachan]
The oral Teaching that may be delivered by The Incarnation of The Teacher during or post a session in Satsang.
No one other than The Incarnation of The Teacher may deliver a so-called Pravachan.
The prescribed order of precedence and obedience required in the physical universe is:
- The Teacher
- The Teachings:
- The DIVINE Articles
- The DIVINE Rules
- The DIVINE Principles of Life
- The Regulations
- The Rules and Requirements
- The Individual Partial Teachings on Interpretations, Explanations and Applications of The Teachings on valid questions as posed to The Teacher in the individual facts and circumstances of each such question.
PARAMATMA has given a Covenant amounting to a promise to each Soul.
To preserve and to enable the further use of a resource or facility existing in the physical universe.
That age or stage of physical development of a young male or female when the Task devolves upon the body+mind.
When the Atma resident in a body+mind is incapable of conveying the Task to the given body+mind.
When the Soul in the given body+mind is isolated within the crust formed due to the sins carried out by the body+mind.
When the physical and mental wants, desires and greeds of the body+mind become the focus of that person.
That period of existence spent by the Atma transiting through the Joonis.
Each moment spent by the Soul in each Jooni is spent in regret.
Also known as Hell or Narak.
RADIANCE is energy, is power and is purity.
Any person nominated to any role in governance will exit that role immediately on recall by his/her cohort before the end of his/her tenure.
Receive [See the Teaching on Earn, Acquire and Receive]
To gain by being given willingly.
To accept willingly.
To accept without any obligation.
A receipt is a Gift.
All that is obtained and accepted irrespective of the source.
Whatever is earned and acquired does not form part of it.
The act of giving must be voluntary.
The receipt must be accepted willingly and without obligation.
Source, location and timing of receipt is not relevant.
Religion is a set of dogmas along with imposed beliefs, rituals, and customs designed to control sections of society along pre-defined paths.
Religion relies on miracles to awe and to force obedience without question through fear.
Religion is a designed black-box, the internal functioning of which is neither controlled by nor known to the person following religion.
Religion creates expectations which can neither be defined nor fulfilled.
Expectations as we know are part of The TRY Business leading to failure.
Religion denies the existence of The Right and distorts each of The DIVINE Teachings in significant ways to reverse the original intent of the LAWS and other elements of The DIVINE Teachings.
Request [See the Teaching on The Parameters of A Valid Request]
A boon sought from GOD for a benefit either immediately or at some time in the future.
Separate Rules and Procedures govern the Application of Parameters of Validity for any Request presented at any time by anyone.
That willing observance of The LAW of Consequences, which enables one human being to live within the scope of Instruction 5 of My Life – Daily Instructions.
GOD has given different entitlements to different entities.
For example, The Teacher, the Atma, the individual, the parents et cetera.
That set of actions that will lead to a better understanding of the overall picture.
Rules [See the Teaching on The DIVINE Rules]
The DIVINE Rules.
The act of an Atma merging with GOD after fulfilling the laid-down conditions to enable such merger.
Known as the struggle to achieve freedom from the endless cycle of birth and rebirth.
An Atma becomes eligible for Salvation on completion of the TASK given to that Soul.
The TASK is complete when the Soul has successfully used the body+mind given to it over five Janams to carry out the five small Tasks.
It does not matter how many opportunities an Atma utilizes to carry out its five Tasks.
Also known as Moksha or Mukti.
A group of five or more people gathered at one place with the aim and purpose of remembering GOD through HIS name OMNMNKAAAR.
Also known as a Congregation.
Satsang [See the Teaching on Satsang]
Satsang is formed with the combination of two words: ‘Sat’ means ‘true’ and ‘Sang’ means ‘together’.
Satsang therefore means any group of people gathered to remember GOD through recitation and chanting of HIS name- OMNMNKAAAR.
Second Energy [See the Teaching on Act of Creation]
This is the Second form of Energy released by GOD.
This Energy moves outwards in the form of a Spiral emanating from GOD.
The Second Energy when it interacts with The First Energy creates matter.
A person who wishes to learn and is motivated to frame questions intended to increase his/her awareness, knowledge, education and understanding of The Teachings to enable him or her to carry out his or her Task and frame the Three Requests in a given Janam.
That act of humility, which enables one person, to carry out certain specified or unspecified jobs for another or on behalf of another is said to serve the other person or organization or society in general.
Share [See the Teaching on Understanding The TEN Shares]
Each Atma in Janam has to divide every bit of earning, acquisition and receipt into ten equal shares.
There are Ten Right Holders for each individual in Janam.
Each of these Right Holders is entitled to and must be given one equal share in sequence, for the individual to remain in compliance with The Teachings.
See Part and Tithe.
A student of The Teachings who has voluntarily accepted to Submit and Surrender.
Separate Rules and Procedures govern the application for and acceptance of a Candidate Shishya by The Teacher.
Showing The Way
One who guides another to The Teacher or The Teachings during Janam.
One who manages others to carry out the work.
One single act against The Teachings.
Each act of Sin creates a thin translucent layer of film that covers the Atma and all its filaments of control down to each cell of the body.
Each act of Sin initiates a counter in the account of the Atma whose body+mind has committed that Sin.
Each act of Sin causes Harm.
Also known as Paap.
Society [See the Teaching on The Fabric of Social Interaction]
Society is a social grouping of people who live in proximity to each other where different members of that society provide different services and facilities for the other members.
Society is the creation of infrastructure for the common use of all its members and of members who may be passing through, studying, or just visiting.
Every society is required to enable all members of that society to live and function in compliance with The Teachings.
Society creates the infrastructure to enable self-governance and expansion of the services, facilities and security of and for all persons living in a proximate area in compliance with The Teachings.
Society thinks and assumes it knows that an Atma in Janam with its given body+mind should follow the path created by society and that such behaviour is sufficient for the existence of the human being.
Societies across the globe and across time have modified and twisted The Teachings given during the previous Incarnations of The Teacher where more than 99% of the processes, procedures and methods adopted and in vogue are in violation of The Teachings.
Societies across the globe and across time have invented, experimented with and found different social methodologies to be deficient in many significant ways to help individuals achieve Salvation.
Society now has come to personify non-compliance of The Teachings and needs to change to come in compliance with The Teachings as enumerated here.
There is no scope for society giving relief of any kind to any Atma in Jooni.
Society today has become dysfunctional and morally disabled.
Someone [See the Teaching on Can I Know ‘Someone’? and Can I make ‘Someone’ Happy?]
The domain ‘someone’ consists of every Atma in a body+mind in Janam other than the observer.
Soul [See the Teaching on Atma]
One element of GOD in independent existence.
A Soul is a small element created out of HIS body by PARAMATMA.
A Soul cannot be destroyed. A Soul does not possess shape, form or substance.
A Soul does not have any sensory perception, such as sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, or feeling.
A Soul has Awareness.
A Soul is born with a need to merge back with GOD.
Every Soul is required to carry out one TASK to achieve Salvation/Moksha/Mukti.
A Soul is required to carry out the TASK in five parts known as Life Tasks.
Only one Life Task can be carried in one Janam/Passage through life.
Every Soul has to earn the opportunity to work for Salvation/Mukti/Moksha.
A Soul is given a new body+mind on earning another opportunity.
A Soul has the ability to take control of the physical body+mind specifically given for that Janam.
Soul is also known as Atma or Rooh.
Submit [See the Teaching on Ordinary Person can Worship GOD through The Teacher]
To voluntarily give up control over one’s own body+mind and accept the directions of The Teacher in every aspect of Life.
Surrender [See the Teaching on Ordinary Person can Worship GOD through The Teacher]
To accept giving up self-control over one’s own will.
To accept the will of The Teacher as the representative of GOD.
To remove or reduce the ability of the ego from controlling one’s own actions.
Each Atma is given a unique PARAMOUNT TASK by PARAMATMA that is further subdivided into five smaller individual manageable Life Tasks.
Life Task [See the Teaching on Carrying Out The Life Task by Atma / Soul]
An activity given by GOD to the Atma to perform during one Janam.
If not carried out in that Janam, that Life Task is carried forward to the next Janam as and when the Atma earns the right.
No tenure shall exceed 3 calendar years.
The Chief Judge [See the Teaching on Atma at The Court of The Chief Judge]
The Atma born immediately after The Teacher has been nominated for the Epoch to perform the duty of Chief Judge.
The Chief Judge has been given the resources to collect evidence.
The Chief Judge has no power of discretion or ability to diverge from The DIVINE Teachings.
Therefore, The Chief Judge is objective.
Separate Rules and Procedures have been laid down for the detailed functioning of The Court of The Chief Judge including provision of staff.
The DIVINE LAWS [See the Teaching on The DIVINE LAWS]
GOD has laid down a set of simple transparent and singular LAWS to help individuals live in society and progress on to the Path of Salvation.
Each DIVINE LAW delivers benefits to the body+mind in the physical world and to the Atma on the Path to Salvation.
The DIVINE LAWS are in HIS words and must be obeyed in totality.
The DIVINE Rules [See the Teaching on The DIVINE Rules]
To give effect to The DIVINE LAWS, The DIVINE Articles, The GIFT, The Universal Truths, GOD has laid down a few simple Rules so that human beings living in society using the Rules may obey The DIVINE LAWS and progress on The Path to Salvation.
The DIVINE Rules as part of The DIVINE Teachings enable every body+mind given to an Atma in Janam to successfully carry out the Task while living in society.
The DIVINE Teachings [See the Teaching on The DIVINE Teachings]
Given by GOD to The Teacher and to each Atma.
Consist of HIS LAWS, Articles, Rules and Principles of Life.
PARAMATMA has given to The Teacher the Means of Interpretation, Explanation and Application of The DIVINE Teachings to all aspects of life in the physical universe created by HIM.
The Teacher will prepare and be ready to give out Teachings on every valid question that may be put to Him.
The FOUR Rules of Life
Rule 1: I am Responsible
Rule 2: I am Positive
Rule 3: I am Self-Enabled
Rule 4: I am Dynamic
The FOUR Way Test [See the Teaching on My Life – Daily Instructions]
- The Test of Logic.
- The Test of Science.
- The Test of Rationality.
- The Test of Reason.
Every so-called fact, bit of knowledge, experience or whatever must face and clear The FOUR Way Test before it is to be accepted and adopted by any Being in Janam.
Anything, which fails or refuses to face The FOUR Way Test is not to be accepted nor be adopted by any being or society in the physical world.
The GIFT [See the Teaching on The GIFT]
GOD: “I have created and placed, in the physical universe, a large number of resources and facilities:
All for you
To use or abuse
To enjoy or destroy
As you will
Without let or hindrance”
Part 2
“Whatever gives you pleasure, you will get moreof”
LAW is Supreme.
LAW Creates.
LAW Terminates.
LAW is Duty.
LAW is Mandatory.
LAW Prescribes.
LAW is Always On.
LAW Provides.
LAW is Omnipotent.
LAW is Omnipresent.
LAW is Omniscient.
LAW Sustains.
LAW is The Policy for the Physical Universe.
LAW is Freedom.
LAW Leads to Salvation.
LAW is Power.
LAW Creates Rights and Duties.
LAW is Sanctuary.
LAW is Knowledge.
LAW is Authority and Responsibility.
LAW is Positive.
LAW is Understanding.
LAW Enables
LAW is Dynamic.
LAW cannot be Ignored.
LAW cannot be Avoided.
LAW cannot be Modified.
The LAW of Consequences [See the Teaching on The LAW of Consequences]
“When you act you are responsible to live with the consequences of your actions for the rest of your life”
The LAW of Endeavour [See the Teaching on The LAW of Endeavour]
“When you act to satisfy the needs, wants and desires of your body and mind, obey the requirements of The LAW of the TENTH Part”
The LAW of Happiness [See the Teaching on The LAW of Happiness]
The LAW of NO Miracles [See the Teaching on The LAW of NO Miracles]
“NO Miracles”
The LAW of The TENTH Part [See the Teaching on The LAW of The TENTH Part]
“Give yourself the TENTH Part of all that you Earn, Acquire and Receive”
The Right [See the Teaching on The Right]
PARAMATMA has given to every individual One Right
Consisting of
THREE Freedoms
The Rule of Benefit
“Obedience Equals Benefit”
The Rule of Happiness [See the Teaching on The LAW of Happiness]
The Rule of Seeking
“Seek and you shall find”
The Rule of The Task
“The Task is the purpose of Janam”
The Rule of The Teachings
“The Teachings are mandatory for Obedience”
The Rule of THREE Blessings [See the Teaching on The Rule of THREE Blessings]
“When two or more people meet and exchange three Blessings, one Ashirwad at a time, then at the end of the third transaction, each of the participants who took part three times shall earn one hundred thousand blessings [(100,000)(one lakh)] for his or her Atma”
The Story [See the Teaching on The Story]
A description of the conversation between GOD and an Atma forming part of the journey of the Atma in the physical universe through Janam and Joonis.
The Teacher [See the Teaching on The Teacher in Incarnation]
The Teacher is the first born of GOD and conveys The Teachings.
The Teacher is Responsible for everything in the physical universe.
The Teacher is the Representative of GOD for every Atma in Janam.
The Teacher is the Representative of GOD for every Atma in Jooni.
The Teacher is the Representative of GOD in the physical universe.
The Teacher is only present in one human body at any given time.
The Teacher is given a physical body for the duration of a given life span.
When in a physical body He shall be known and recognized as the Incarnation of The Teacher.
The Incarnation shall also be known and addressed by the name given to His body by the parents.
Some people call him Prophet or Master or Messiah or Guru.
The Teachings
A Teaching is an answer, an interpretation, an explanation or an application of The DIVINE Teachings in response to a question, an event, a phenomenon or one or other aspect of The DIVINE Teachings or The Teachings given earlier.
A Teaching may consist of one complete whole Teaching in itself or may consist of several Partial Teachings on different aspects of the question at hand.
A Teaching is always given by The Teacher in Incarnation.
The Teachings are mandatory for obedience for all beings in Janam.
The Teachings are essential and enable human beings to live in society according to The Way of Life.
Given by The Teacher in accordance and in compliance with The DIVINE Teachings.
The Teachings when obeyed enable human beings to work towards Salvation as part of society.
The THREE Requests [See the Teachings on The Parameters of A Valid Request]
During the course of the interaction with the Atma before giving the Atma a physical residence (body+mind) for Janam, GOD gives the Atma three opportunities at different times to present any request for HIS help during the ensuing Janam.
The Universal Truths [See the Teaching on The Universal Truths]
“Everything is Duty”
“Everything is Fun”
Time in a Janam [See the Teachings on Time]
The time allotted or given to an Atma in one Janam to carry out the Task which will eventually enable Salvation from the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Time and Reality Adjuster
An Atma in one of its last three Joonis whose duty is to ensure delivery of the granted Requests at the given Time to another Atma in Janam.
Known and referred to as TRA in short form.
Tithe [See the Teaching on Understanding The TEN Shares]
One Share out of Ten Equal Shares as defined in The LAW of The TENTH Part, which must be delivered to Each of the Ten Equal Shareholders by Right in sequence to remain in compliance with The Teachings.
Also known as Share or Part.
Transit [See the Teaching on Janam and Jooni]
One movement of the Atma from one Jooni to the next Jooni.
Each Transit clears up one Layer of film or opacity from around the Atma at the end of a Transit.
Use [See the Teaching on The GIFT]
To utilize any of the Resources and Facilities which have been created and placed in the physical universe in a safe and conservative manner to support and maintain the Atma in the body+mind given to it and to enable the Atma to carry out the Task given by GOD.
To conserve the Resources given by GOD so that other Souls in Janam can enjoy the same GIFT.
VIDHATA [See the Teaching on GOD]
The Supreme Power who created and sustains the Physical Universe.
HE is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient.
Also known and addressed as PARAMATMA or GOD.
Want [See the Teaching on The LAW of Endeavour]
Something which is of a transient nature and which may be satisfied by any kind of that ‘something’.
Also known as Desire.
Worship [See the Teaching on Ordinary Person can Worship GOD through The Teacher]
To surrender the will and to submit the being to GOD at all times as long as The Teacher is Incarnate (present) in a physical body to accept Him as Representative of GOD.