The Teachings 


A Partial Teaching on The LAW of The TENTH Part

“Give yourself the TENTH Part of all that you Earn, Acquire and Receive”


The LAW of The TENTH Part has been discussed to understand its different aspects in the form of several Partial Teachings as listed below:

  1. A Partial Teaching on Parsing The LAW of the TENTH Part
  2. A Partial Teaching on The TEN Right Holders
  3. A Partial Teaching on Understanding The TEN Shares
  4. A Partial Teaching on Earn, Acquire and Receive
  5. A Partial Teaching on The TEN Statements of The LAW of The TENTH Part
  6. A Partial Teaching on The Fabric of Social Interaction
  7. A Partial Teaching on Fiduciary Responsibility towards Right Holders
  8. A Partial Teaching on So-Called Donation or Charity.




GOD has given to every individual a simple and complete LAW to enable him or her to live in society and work towards discovering the Life Task of his or her Atma.

Once an individual has discovered the Life Task of his or her Atma, it becomes a simple matter for that individual to carry out the given Life Task on behalf of the Atma resident within and help his or her Atma move forward on the Path of Salvation or Moksha.

The LAW of The TENTH Part is explained here onwards through several Partial Teachings. More Partial Teachings will be made available in due course of time as more questions are asked, framed, placed before, and answered by The Teacher.



a) Accounting of Effort

Every act of commission and every act of omission gives rise to some kind of consequence or result.

Every result has to be accounted for, in an appropriate manner, in the name of the individual Soul.

The account of each Soul in Janam is maintained in a dedicated ledger in the name of each such Atma.

This ledger is maintained under the authority of The Chief Judge through His staff.

There are three heads of accounts under which all results are accounted.

Thus, each head of account has some special characteristics and properties.

These are examined in subsequent definitions below.

To enable easy management of individual accounts, the result is always maintained in the form of pluses and minuses.

Each account has a dedicated accountant whose sole job is to maintain the account for that Atma accurately round the clock.


Heads of Account

b) Earn

That, which a person gains, earns, makes, creates or receives as consideration or remuneration or payment in cash or kind or credit for his or her singular effort or work or labour.

To gain through own personal honest effort.

Anything that produces profit or remuneration by singular effort and diligence in any field of work or endeavour.

For accounting under the head of earning, the act must satisfy two conditions:-

  1. The individual must carry out the act alone; it must be his or her singular effort.
  2. The act must be honest.


c) Acquire

To acquire is to collect, to achieve, or to accumulate things material and immaterial by means other than those laid down for earning.

Therefore, anything that does not qualify under the above given definition of earn will be accounted for under acquire.

Whatever is acquired by other means or methods.

Comment 1: The act does not necessarily include only personal effort. May include effort of one or more other persons (includes partners, employees, and or other assistance by one or more persons).

Comment 2. The act need not be honest (could therefore be gained through blackmail, theft, fraud, coercion, deceit et cetera).

Comment 3.  The definition only recognizes that some means and methods, which lead to acquisitions may not be honest. Each such act will be dealt with under The LAW of Consequences.


d) Receive

All that is obtained and accepted irrespective of the source.

Whatever is earned and acquired does not form part of it.

The act of giving must be voluntary.

The receipt must be accepted willingly and without obligation.

Source, location, and timing of receipt is not relevant.

To gain by being given willingly.

A receipt is a gift.


Examples on Understanding the Definitions

  1. My maali / gardener comes to work in my garden every day. At the end of the month, he receives his wages. Since he works alone and his effort is honest, his wages will be accounted under his earnings.
  1. I work along with the maali in my garden. The garden produces flowers, vegetables and fruits having some economic value. The produce of my garden shall be accounted for me under acquire because there is a joint effort.
  1. Out of the produce of my garden, occasionally, I give a little bit to my maali, whatever produce the gardener receives from me will be accounted under his receive.
  1. I work alone and earn one million every year. ‘A’ works alone and earns one million every year. We form a partnership and as a partnership we earn four million every year. The individual share of each partner comes under his or her acquire.
  1. I work alone, my effort is dishonest, whatever I produce by way of result shall be accounted under my acquire.
  1. A thief carries out a robbery and sells the stolen goods. The result will be accounted for under his acquire.
  1. A person carries out a fraud on another and gets some money by deceit, it will be accounted under his acquire.
  1. Students go to school and get an education. The act of getting educated is accounted for under acquire for each student.
  1. I work alone and have an assistant to maintain my account books. My profit at the end of the year will be accounted under my acquire.
  1. I work for 11 months honestly. I am forced to become dishonest in the twelfth month of the year. My profits shall be treated as acquire.
  1. A teacher who teaches in a school receives remuneration at the end of every month. The wages received will be treated under his or her acquire.




“Give yourself the TENTH Part of all that you Earn, Acquire and Receive”

The LAW as stated above is clear, direct and unambiguous.

The LAW directs every living individual (including juridical persons) on earth to give one equal share to each of ten right holders in sequence.

The LAW of The TENTH Part has been explained by The Teacher in all His Incarnations down the ages, in different cultures and countries through teaching, precept and practice.

A study of cultures across the globe indicates that traces and remnants of The LAW are still in vogue in modified forms around the world.

However, some of us may not be able to understand as to how to deliver, and who is entitled to a Share of all the I earn, acquire, and receive.

Human beings that we are, our greed and ordinary selfishness ensure that we corrupt or modify, over a period of time, whatever comes to us.

The LAW needs to be understood in its entirety and be obeyed as such.

A study of The LAW shows us that there are TEN Claimants or Right Holders of each and everything of value – intrinsic and extrinsic, implied or expressed, visible or potential that an individual:

  1.  Earns, reaps, gains, et cetera.
  2.  Acquires, captures, seizes, grabs, snatches, confiscates, usurps, steals, extorts, makes out of gambling, fraud, pilfering,  embezzlement et cetera.
  3.  Receives, hoards, accumulates, collects as rent, pension, alimony, allowance, legacy, treasure, patrimony et cetera.

You must understand that The LAW does not care from where and how you earn, acquire and receive.

The LAW does not pass judgement.

It is single pointed in its requirement.

Your entitlement is only to The TENTH Part: “Give yourself the TENTH Part”.

For the rest, there are Nine others for whom you are acting as a trustee.

The LAW is all-inclusive in its scope and application.

It does not discriminate between two persons on any basis.

GOD does not exclude HIMSELF.

HE gives all the time.

Accounting period for The LAW is your whole life span.

However, for ease of human understanding, application and practice, it is advisable to work on a daily, a weekly, a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annual basis.

In the case, where you are unable to disburse the rightful share to the rightful owners, you are the trustee.

Therefore, you must hold each Share safe and ensure its delivery to the rightful holder as soon as it is possible for you the trustee to do so.

Society tells us not to be greedy, not to hoard and be selfish.

However, everyone including the wealthy keep piling up huge amounts of wealth and property in different forms.

The LAW tells me to give the TENTH Part to myself.

The LAW requires you to do your Duty towards the other Nine Right Holders of all that you earn, acquire and receive be it love, affection, money, wealth, respect, honour, recognition et cetera.

The LAW of The TENTH Part also explains why an individual has to continue working throughout life.

There is no retirement from your duty under the LAW.

All individuals are working and accumulating wealth in different forms.

While doing that, intuitively each one knows that actually, truthfully and in reality, only the TENTH Part is your rightful share.

You did not know The LAW and have not been taught how to deliver the other Nine Shares to the rightful Share Holders.

When a LAW, a Rule or a Principle of Life is given, it must be obeyed.

However, at each stage of understanding, retaining, practicing and transmitting, every person tends to modify it for his or her own convenience.

By this process, society makes you lose and corrupt some part or element of it through the act of modification or short-circuiting.

When the same process is repeated from generation to generation, important parts are modified and twisted in strange and awkward ways.

The LAW states: “Give Yourself The TENTH Part”.

Society in all cases has deleted the word ‘yourself’ from the text.

This turns the LAW given by GOD on its head and reverses it completely.

Till now society has been telling you to consume nine parts and you may give away one part in so-called charity.

This has led to a large number of unhealthy practices and acts of selfishness by ordinary people.

In most parts of the world, people are taught to practice “Give One Tenth” or also called tithing.

In some parts of India, it is also called Dasaundh or Dasvandh.

In practice, it leads to the situation where the person feels no obligation to give to anybody because there is no defined person or object for which he or she is required to give.

Individuals and families consume all that they Earn, Acquire and Receive.

When asked, each one thinks it is the duty of someone else.

Society tells you to make some donation.

It then leads to the situation where the person is told to make, or gets away with making, a small insignificant donation in their local place of worship.

Does GOD need a donation or some ‘charity’ from you?


Does GOD need you to carry out your Duty under The LAW of TENTH Part?


Knowing something and acknowledging something are two different things.

Understanding is yet another.

Practicing is in a very different sphere.

Do not mix what is being done by individuals and society (all societies across the globe) with what should be.

Just because society has been doing something for the past several centuries does not make it right for individuals or for society.

Every individual and every society needs to Obey The LAW and do your Duty.



The LAW of The TENTH Part has been discussed to understand its different aspects in the form of several Partial Teachings as listed below:

  1. A Partial Teaching on Parsing The LAW of the TENTH Part
  2. A Partial Teaching on The TEN Right Holders
  3. A Partial Teaching on Understanding The TEN Shares
  4. A Partial Teaching on Earn, Acquire and Receive
  5. A Partial Teaching on The TEN Statements of The LAW of The TENTH Part
  6. A Partial Teaching on The Fabric of Social Interaction
  7. A Partial Teaching on Fiduciary Responsibility towards Right Holders
  8. A Partial Teaching on So-Called Donation or Charity.