The Teachings
The Story
About The Story
These specifications are essential to an understanding of and interaction with The Story:
- The STORY describes the interaction between an Atma and GOD before the Janam of that Atma begins in a physical body+mind.
- This is an interactive STORY.
- The more I immerse myself in The STORY, the more I will learn and gain.
- Within the STORY, there are a large number of loose ends called danglers.
- I am Responsible for identifying and discovering the facts behind each dangler.
- The more I read and interact with the STORY, the more danglers I will identify.
- This is a Positive STORY.
- The STORY is Self-Enabling.
- The STORY is Dynamic.
- I must interact with The STORY daily until it becomes My STORY.
Regulations for The Teachings
- All words within double quotation marks are direct from GOD.
- All words within brackets or in single quotation marks are part of The Teachings given by The Teacher in order to allow human beings to live and conduct their lives in accordance with The LAWS, Rules and Principles of Life laid down by GOD.
- Seeking is important.
- Effort is important.
- Obedience is important.
- Avoidance of Self-inflicted loss of benefits available is important – it is the only form of self-inflicted injury.
- Keeping the personal ego under control is important.
- There is a Teaching on every aspect of life.
- Everything is Duty.
- Everything is Fun.
The Story
After passing through the Joonis, the Atma arrives in the queue.
Realization arrives along with purification.
Atma (ID):
‘Oh, what a fool I have been!
I wasted the opportunity given by GOD during my last Janam.
I did not carry out the Life Task.
I wonder if I request HIM, whether GOD will give me another chance to work for Mukti / Salvation.’
The Atma arrives in front of GOD.
Comment: While the Atma is in internal dialogue (ID), the queue is moving forward and the Atma arrives in front of GOD.
The Conversation
“Ah, my child, there you are!
Are you ready to go into Janam and work for Salvation?”
Atma (ID):
‘God is so benevolent, loving and caring.
HE has already given me what I want without my asking.
I must carry out my Life Task in this Janam.’
‘Yes, I am ready.
May I go now?’
“If you like, I can help you during your Janam.
If you will carry out a small Task for me, then at the end of your passage in Janam, I will pick you up and place you in front of The Gate of The Path which leads to Salvation”
‘Yes, please give me the Task.
I will carry it out immediately.’
“No, this Task is not to be carried out here.
It is to be carried out in the physical universe.
You have earned your opportunity for another Janam.
I will now give you a body and while you are resident in that physical body you can carry out that Task.
You will have the freedom to choose the time, the manner and place in the physical universe where you may carry out your Task using the given body.
When you carry out your Task, I will confirm your reward.”
Comment 1: Task is to be completed when the Atma is resident in a human body.
Comment 2: The Atma using the given body+mind is to choose the place, manner and time to carry out The Task.
Comment 3: The Atma is the sole decision-maker of this process.
Comment 4: There are no restrictions or constraints on the Atma in this matter.
Comment 5: Atma is free to carry out The Task in whichever way he or she likes.
Comment 6: In case the Atma is unable to make or unable to convey the decisions to the given body+mind, then the physical body+mind gets the responsibility to carry out The Task on behalf of the Atma resident within that body+mind.
‘All right, tell me my Task and let me go.’
“You know that I do not perform miracles.
I obey The LAW of NO Miracles.
Your entry into the physical world must follow all The Laws of Science in the physical universe.
Therefore, to place you in a physical body in the physical universe, I have to make use of a couple already present in the physical universe.
They will create a small body for me in which I will place you and that will be your residence for your passage through Janam.
When I use someone for my purpose, then I have to give them something in return.
In this case, I have given that couple a Right.”
Comment 1: When GOD talks about a Right given to the couple, that particular couple appears in the viewing window.
Comment 2: The Atmas of the couple in the viewing window will appear as black blobs to the Atma, as they are not pure, having been corrupted by 20, 30 or 40 years of life and covered with the Crust.
The Atma sees the black blobs and screams.
‘Stop, Stop, STOP!’
“What happened?”
‘That couple?
They are dirty!
They are black full of Sin.
I do not know them.
I do not want to know them.
I have no relationship with them, and YOU are going to give them a Right over me?
I am a part of YOU.
I am Pure.
I am Clean.
How can you do that to me, your child?’
“Let me tell you the Right I am giving to this couple and thereafter if you have any objection, then we will look for some other way.”
‘All right I will listen.
We are not moving forward until I agree.’
“The Right I have given to this couple is a Right to give a name (Naamkaran) to the body they are making for me.
That is the body which will be your residence during your passage through Janam.
That is the right I have given to that couple, to give a name to that body.
Do you accept?
Atma (ID):
‘This appears to be some kind of identification device, a name, like my unique identification number.
Yes, I remember in the previous Janam too, that body had a name.
I can live with that.’
‘I accept but no more.’
“When a couple in the physical universe unites, they create a request for a baby.
If it is a valid request, it comes before me to grant.
Whichever couple is granted their request for a child, has to do something for me in return.
In this case, I impose a duty on that couple.”
“Now what?”
‘Just a few moments ago, I had requested you no more, and here YOU are imposing a duty for which I will have to face the consequences.’
“Let me tell you about the duty I am going to impose on this couple.
If you have an objection, then we will look for another way.”
‘We are not moving forward until I agree.’
“The duty I have imposed on this couple is to nurture the body which will be your residence through Janam.”
‘For how long?’
“Until you decide.”
Comment: The time for which the body may be nurtured by the parents of that body is to be decided by the Atma.
Atma (ID):
‘GOD is so benevolent and kind.
I remember in my last Janam, I had some servants and people who used to serve me.
GOD has given me two servants; when I need them, they will serve me.
The rest of the time they can keep lying in some corner.’
‘All right, but nothing more.
Please give me my Task and let me go.’
“Before I give you your Task, I have a GIFT for you.”
‘A gift for me?
I do not think I deserve a gift.
I did not carry out the Task in the last Janam.
How can I be worthy of a GIFT?’
“Anyone who comes before me has earned the right to be here at that time.
Whosoever comes before me, cannot be sent away empty-handed.
Anyone who comes before me has to receive something from me.
You have washed off the sins of your previous Janam and are thus worthy to receive a GIFT from me.”
‘Thank you.’
“I have created and placed in the physical universe a large number of resources and facilities
All for you
To enjoy or destroy
As you will
Without let or hindrance”
Part 2
“Whatever gives you pleasure, you will get moreof”
The THREE Requests
‘I accept.
Now, may I have my Task and go?’
Comment: To be complete, The GIFT must be accepted after it has been offered.
“Before I give you your Task, have you any request to make your passage through Janam easier?”
Atma (presents the request, if any)
Comment 1: If the Atma during the passage in the previous Janam or the intelligence of the body+mind given to the Atma in that previous Janam has prepared any Requests, these become apparent to the Atma at this stage and can be presented before GOD.
Comment 2: If the request presented by Atma is valid, then it is granted.
Comment 3: GOD always grants a valid request presented by the Atma.
Comment 4: Even if some part(s) of the request are valid, those parts will be separated and granted.
Comment 5: The granted Request will mature at the appropriate time during Janam.
Comment 6: If the Request presented before GOD is not valid, the opportunity is lost forever.
Comment 7: Opportunity for the First Request – given to the Atma.
“Are you ready to listen to your Task?”
‘Yes, I am.’
GOD gives the Task to the Atma at this point directly without any other observer coming to know.
Comment 1: No observer can ever come to know what the Task is (for example: The Teacher)
Comment 2: Only GOD and the Atma receiving that Task will know it.
Comment 3: The Task is transferred directly into the comprehension of the Atma.
“Have you received and understood your Task for your passage through life in Janam?”
“Will you be able to carry out your Task?”
May I go now?’
“You have received your Task and understood it.
Have you any request to help you carry out the Task?”
Atma (presents the request if any)
Comment 1: If the request presented by Atma is valid, then it is granted.
Comment 2: Even if parts of the Request are valid, those parts will be separated and granted.
Comment 3: The granted Request will mature at the appropriate time during Janam.
Comment 4: If the Request presented before GOD is not valid, the opportunity is lost forever.
Comment 5: Opportunity for the Second Request – given to the Atma.
‘May I go now?’
“Before I place you in the body which will be your residence during Janam, a last few words.”
Comment: At the end of the interaction, before GOD places the Atma in the physical body that will be her or his residence during Janam, HE makes a COVENANT with the Atma.
Articles of The COVENANT of The Last Few Words
- “When you leave my presence, your time begins”
- “When you leave my presence, I will put a cap at the end of the communication channel between us”
- “When you need me, you remember me by my Name – OMNMNKAAAR”
- “When you complete your Task, I will confirm your reward”
- “Should you forget, seek and you will find someone who will show you The Way”
- “For your convenient passage in Janam, I have laid down The LAWS, Rules and The Principles of Life”
- “When you obey MY LAWS, Rules and The Principles of Life, you will benefit”
- “When you need explanations, interpretations or applications of MY LAWS, Rules and The Principles of Life, seek and ask The Teacher and follow The Teachings given by Him”
- “The Teacher is responsible for everything in the physical universe”
- “The Teacher is my first born and shall be my representative for this epoch.”
- “The one who shall love and obey my son, The Teacher, shall receive my love”
- “The one who shall do everything as a duty towards me shall also be dear to me”
- “I have opened an account for you in which I have placed one billion (1,000,000,000) blessings for you to distribute during your passage through life”
- “When you complete your passage through life, you will be brought before my Chief Judge who shall take the accounting of your deeds and doings and pass such order as may be deemed fit in the facts and circumstances of your Janam”
Comment: In Article 10, The Teacher is the representative of GOD from the Time of Creation of the physical universe till the Day of Knowledge.
‘May I go now?’
“Before I place you in your body, have you any Request to make your Janam successful?”
Atma (Presents the Request if any)
Comment 1: If the request presented by the Atma is valid, then it is granted..
Comment 2: Even if parts of Request are valid, those parts will be separated and granted.
Comment 3: The granted Request will mature at the appropriate time during Janam.
Comment 4: If the Request presented before GOD is not valid, the opportunity is lost forever.
Comment 5: Opportunity for The Third Request – given to the Atma.
“Are you ready to go?”
GOD places the Atma in the little body in the womb of the mother.
Comment 1: GOD gives the Atma that specific little body created by the couple in the viewing window and turns to the next Atma in the queue.
Comment 2: In due course of time according to the Laws of Biology, the physical birth of the little body will take place and the Atma will be free to use that given body to carry out the agreed upon Task.
Comment 3: It is during the time that the Atma is in the little body in the womb of the mother that the Atma is able to create and establish the required filaments of control into each cell of that given body.
Comment 4: At birth, the Atma is fully in control of the body that has a completely functional intelligence capable of collecting and organizing data making appropriate Choices, Decisions and Actions.
Comment 5: The intelligence at the point does not have the knowledge and experience of the functioning of the society.
Comment 6: An Atma in its given body gets to reside in the womb of the mother from approximately three months after conception of the biological function upto birth.
Comment 7: The period of time spent by a Soul in the womb of the mother is the opportunity given to that Atma to pass through heaven and enjoy the beauty and comfort of a life akin to Salvation.
Some of the Partial Teachings are listed here from the Index:
- A Partial Teaching on GOD
- A Partial Teaching on Janam and Jooni.
- A Partial Teaching on Soul or Atma.
- A Partial Teaching on Salvation.
- A Partial Teaching on Atma at The Court of The Chief Judge
- A Partial Teaching on Parameters of a Valid Request
- A Partial Teaching on Dishonour of Grant given to an Atma.
- A Partial Teaching on Sin