The Teachings
A Partial Teaching on Questions and Answers
In any search for truth or philosophical inquiry, the question is more important than the answer.
The answer will always come when the question is presented correctly.
Questions are the most important tool in any search for the truth.
How the question is framed is important and relevant.
Each question and each questioner is unique.
The Teacher is programmed to answer every question.
However, the seeker has No right to obtain an answer to every question that he or she may frame.
Some questions may be answered as soon as they are presented.
Some questions may never be answered.
Some questions expire naturally.
Some questions may be answered at a later time.
Some questions may be answered in a given context.
Some questions may not be relevant in a given context.
Some questions are not valid when asked.
Some questions may become valid later by passage of time.
Some questions become valid when reframed.
Some questions become valid with additional learning.
Some questions become valid with experience.
Some questions are irrelevant.
Some questions are presented without sufficient basic work.
Some questions are presented without laying a sufficient foundation.
Some questions are loaded with danger; hence they may not be answered.
Some questions seek answers which would make the recipient suffer from information overload.
Some questions are time-sensitive and hence demand an appropriate setting.
Some questions are relationship-sensitive and hence demand an appropriate setting.
Some questions contain the answer; be careful of what you ask.
One question may have many answers.
An answer may contain many nuances or shades of information.
Some questions acquire importance because of the tone at which they are presented.
Some questions acquire importance because of the rhythm at which they are presented.
Some questions acquire importance because of the speed at which they are presented.
Some questions acquire importance because of the volume at which they are presented.
Some questions acquire importance because of the pitch at which they are presented.
Every question leads to a learning situation.
In receiving any answer, it is important to keep an open mind and become a willing learner to be a true seeker.
Some questions may only be answered after the seeker has reached a particular level of progress on The Way of Life.
The seeker is advised to learn and obey The Teachings and practice living The Way of Life.