The Teachings


The LAW of Happiness


A Partial Teaching on the Question – ‘Can I Know Someone?’



Many of us are prone to make a claim that he or she knows another person.

This Partial Teaching has been given in answer to the question ‘Can I know ‘someone’?’.

At a deeper level, this is the root cause of many of the ills of present day life where you are creating expectations in the mind of someone that you will be able to foresee what he or she needs, wants or desires and thus do that very thing without that thing having been expressed.

Further, the thinking that I know someone leads to the formation and expression of judgements on any and everything instantly.


Part I

Qn. What are the implications when I say that ‘I know ‘someone’?’

Ans. To ‘know someone’ at any given time is to be fully informed about every single aspect and facet of that person from the moment of physical birth up to that time.

Qn.   What are some of the things that may be included in ‘knowing someone’?


  1. Opinions held and expressed from birth to the present moment.
  2. Beliefs held and expressed from birth to the present moment.
  3. Education from birth onwards until now.
  4. Knowledge gained from birth onwards until now.
  5. Dreams experienced from birth onwards until now.
  6. Profession/Career(s) learned and experienced from birth onwards until now.
  7. Actions performed from birth onwards until now.
  8. What that person has seen from birth onwards until now.
  9. What that person has done from birth onwards until now.
  10. What that person has heard from birth onwards until now.
  11. What was done to that person from birth onwards until now?
  12. Pain/traumas suffered by that person (diseases, accidents, losses) from birth onwards until now.
  13. Successes and joys experienced from birth onwards until now.
  14. Other actors in that person’s life from birth onwards until now.
  15. Environment (physical, political, cultural) lived in created or is a part of from birth onwards until now.
  16. Feelings/emotions (anger, frustration, love, fear) felt and experienced from birth onwards.
  17. Self-image as he or she grew up from birth to now.
  18. Ego as expressed from moment to moment from birth to now.
  19. Thoughts held and expressed and thoughts held but not expressed from birth onwards until now.
  20. Words used in speech from birth onwards until now.
  21. Foods eaten liked or disliked from birth onwards until now.
  22. Clothes worn from birth onwards until now.
  23. Likes and Dislikes expressed or not expressed from birth onwards until now.
  24. Friends made, kept up and discarded from birth onwards until now.
  25. Relatives.
  26. Books read, enjoyed, and those discarded or not read through from birth onwards until now.
  27. Hobbies started, followed, given up, and enjoyed from birth onwards until now.
  28. Experiences pleasurable or disagreeable from birth onwards until now.
  29. Damage caused from birth onwards until now.
  30. Failures from birth onwards until now.
  31. Successes from birth onwards until now.
  32. Honors and Awards nominated for and received from birth onwards until now.
  33. Frustrations experienced from birth onwards until now.
  34. Achievements from birth onwards until now.
  35. Intentions from birth onwards until now.
  36. Plans from birth onwards until now.
  37. Desires from birth onwards until now.
  38. Fantasies from birth onwards until now.
  39. Religious views held and expressed or not expressed from birth onwards until now.
  40. Sexual orientation from birth onwards until now.
  41. Crushes from birth onwards until now.
  42. Sports played or not played from birth onwards until now.
  43. Patriotic views if any held or expressed from birth onwards until now.
  44. Social work carried out from birth onwards until now.


Part II

Qn.   From a study of Part I, can I come to know ‘someone’ in totality?

Ans. No.

Qn.   Why not?

Ans. It is not possible to spend so much time to discover all the elements laid down in Part I about another person.

Qn.   How much time would it take me to know ‘someone’ who is prepared to share everything about himself or herself?



I am 36 years, 6 months, 12 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes and 48 seconds old at this moment.

Let us nominate an Observer who would listen to everything about me.

Let us stipulate that I remember everything about my life from birth until the moment that I reveal/speak to the Observer.

Further, that it takes me one second to talk about one second of my past.

Time Taken to Record by Observer

Let us stipulate that in one full day (24 hours) both the Observer and I can work for 12 full hours.

Further, that 12 hours are required for sleeping, and other activities viz. bathing, toilet functions, eating et cetera.

Therefore, it will take me {2 (36) years, 2(6) months, 2(12) days, 2(18) hours, 2(36) minutes and 2(48) seconds} to share everything about myself with the Observer in totality.

The Problem

During these {2(36) years, 2(6) months, 2(12) days, 2(18) hours, 2(36) minutes and 2(48) seconds that I am narrating my life, I would be living 12 hours independently away from the Observer and will need to share that too with the Observer.

Therefore, the Observer and I can never have sufficient time to record every second of my life in totality.

The Law of Limits

In addition, The LAW of Limits states that you may approach the end but never touch it.

Therefore, mathematically it is not possible for the Observer to record my life in totality ever.


Part III

The Answer

  1.  No one can come to know me in totality.
  2.  I cannot come to know ‘someone’ in totality.


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